

Bread run 及 food rescue

“Bread runs” address hunger and reduce food waste by rescuing surplus food and distributing it to vulnerable communities. Typically, these programs take place in the evening, allowing volunteers to join after work – solo or with a friend. Volunteers collect unsold products from local bakeries before bringing it to a food distribution warehouse. Our partners then ensure it goes to frontline organisations where it will have the greatest impact, such as senior support services or crisis shelters.


Addressing a critical need in the city, these community-driven programs leverage volunteer efforts to combat both hunger and food waste. Volunteers play an important role by helping to sort and pack essentials that go on to serve low-income households. You could be sorting through donations at a food warehouse or assembling meal kits at a local elderly centre. These efforts ensure that perfectly edible food does not end up in landfills, but instead feeds families in need.


These programs focus on helping children with their studies, improving language skills, and fostering overall development. Under the guidance of an experienced leader, volunteers typically provide one-on-one or small group support. You could be assisting with homework, subject-specific tutoring, or engaging in reading and storytelling to boost literacy and language confidence. Arts, crafts, and play is often used making it an engaging and fun experience for all involved.


Our popular recycling initiatives go beyond just collecting and processing materials. Volunteers can get hands-on to repurpose unused soap, or sort and process plastics at a local recycling facility. These activities not only breathe new life into otherwise wasted materials, but also give volunteers a chance to learn more about broader environmental issues and adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives.


對於想要參與社區的青少年來說,有各種有益的機會可供選擇。這些計劃旨在在我們經驗豐富的非政府組織合作夥伴的密切指導下,既具有影響力又具有吸引力。 義工可以透過參加海灘清潔、在街上傳播善意、為低年級學生提供課後輔導等方式來發揮作用。


還有一些精彩的義工活動,非常適合家長和孩子一起參與。 家庭可以選擇回收肥皂、在當地社區組織食物捐贈活動、分類和處理可回收塑膠等等。 這些經驗不僅教導孩子們正面影響的價值,而且還提供了優質的親密時間。由於需要支持,與常規志工計畫相比,這些計畫的可用性往往更加有限。


說到義工服務,人多力量大。聚集您的朋友、團隊成員或社區團體,進行非常適合協作的專案。我們的許多計劃都適合想要伸出援手的小團體——來自 海灘清理, 回收計劃, 到 食品包裝 和更多。我們所要求的只是每位志工都在我們的日曆上單獨註冊。對於客製化計劃和公司查詢, 聯絡我們 討論更多。