Volunteer Leader

Join the HandsOn team as a volunteer leader

Have you found a HandsOn program that you love and join regularly? If so, you could be in an excellent position to deepen your commitment by becoming a HandsOn Hong Kong Volunteer Leader and extension of our team! By taking up this leadership role, you enable HandsOn to run more programs in support of the city’s non-profits while also freeing up our charity partner’s staff. In fact, becoming a Volunteer Leader does not differ greatly from the role you are currently playing as a regular program participant (see below).

So if you’ve joined the same HandsOn service program more than three times and feel ready to embrace the opportunity, drop us a line about becoming a Volunteer Leader!

What does being a Volunteer Leader require?

  • Leading your activity once per month—or providing support virtually
  • Acting as on-site point of contact for the charity you are serving
  • Welcoming volunteers, and briefing and de-briefing with them as needed
  • Upholding the HandsOn Volunteer Code of Conduct
  • Taking volunteer attendance and submit program outcomes using the HandsOn app
  • Providing 1-2 photos from your service program each month

Apply Here