NGO directory

At HandsOn, we lend a hand to amazing charities making a positive impact.
From fighting poverty and improving education to protecting the planet and providing healthcare, HandsOn uses people power to uplift those who need it most.
NGO Service Area Category
  • All
  • Children & Youth (29)
  • Community & Social Cohesion (28)
  • Environment (26)
  • People With Special Needs & Disabilities (14)
  • Elderly (13)
  • People Experiencing Homelessness & Poverty (11)
  • Miniority Ethnic Families (7)
  • Arts & Culture (4)
  • Women's Empowerment (4)
  • Animals (3)
  • Health (3)
  • Refugee Families (2)
  • Mental Health (1)


1 - 10 of 114 results
1-Step Association
People With Special Needs & Disabilities
A Plastic Ocean Foundation
Ark Eden
Art of MY Family
Arts & Culture
Arts for Good Foundation
Arts & Culture
Community & Social Cohesion
Books & Beyond Reading Club
Children & Youth
Bring Me Home Limited
CantoGather Education Limited
Community & Social Cohesion
CareER Association Limited
People With Special Needs & Disabilities
CCC Chun Kwong Primary School
Children & Youth