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Opportunity Details

Shopping with the elderly in Sham Shui Po

Generously made possible by Simon Evans.

 Description: Many of Hong Kong's citizens continue to suffer from the devastating impact of the pandemic, and ongoing needs within the community. Even before COVID 1 in 5 of our citizens was living in poverty, surviving on less than HK$4,000 each month.

Weakness, coupled with tiredness, forces elderly persons to seek help from others to maintain their daily routine, such as having a walk, buying necessities, etc. Volunteers will show care and support to this vulnerable group by spending time with them in the community.  
Volunteer roles: 
  • Volunteers will receive a short briefing upon arriving at the community centre. Volunteers will learn about how to communicate with elderly persons and how to assist them to shop in a supermarket.
  • Volunteers will accompany the elderly to shop with the supermarket vouchers provided and help carry the items purchased back to their homes.
活動簡介:超過20%的人口生活在貧困中,每月靠少於4,000港元生存,他們甚至在疫情之前都在努力維持生計。 現在,由於他們許多人生活在恐懼中並且生計受到影響,這些人比以往任何時候都更加迫切需要幫忙。

  • 義工抵達中心時,會接受簡短的培訓,學習如何與長者溝通及協助他們在超市購物。
  • HandsOn會提供超市禮券給長者,義工將陪同長者到超市購物,並幫助將購買的物品帶回長者家中。
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Support and assistance

Age Minimum (with Adult): 15+, Minimum Age:15+, Skills: Cantonese

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